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Child Custody & Visitation

We understand how important your children are. When issues of custody and visitation are involved, often tensions and emotions are high. We are experienced in ensuring the child’s best interests are met and can help facilitate an agreement, or if necessary, prevail at trial.

Some common factors that must be considered in these cases are: 
Primary residence of the child
Quality of the home environment
Parenting abilities
Mental and physical health 
Work schedule
Child’s relationship with other members of family
If old enough, where the child wants to live  
Overall cooperation with other parent

Visitation or parenting time as it is sometimes called, for the non-custodial parent is a crucial aspect of every case. We can help ensure each parent receives quality time with their children.

If you are considering a petition for custody and/or visitation, schedule a consultation with us today to understand your rights and remedies.

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